“Invest yourself in everything you do. There’s fun in being serious.” – John Coltrane
It is with this thought put forward by the famous American jazz saxophonist and composer, John Coltrane that we step on to the subject of MUSIC THEORY. It is relatively less-talked about the concept in the music industry, and we often tend to overlook its importance.
Music theory is the foundation of music. It is that base upon which the beautiful universe of melodies, tunes, scales, harmony, keys, strings and pitch is built. Learning music theory is like an investment; it is a platform for you to enter the world of music, to establish yourself as a strong musician one day.
Importance of Learning Music Theory:
If you are an aspiring musician, do not underestimate the importance of learning music theory. It will empower you to set a very strong and confident foot in the amazing musical universe.
Let us take a look at the main reasons why music theory is such an integral part of the musical world.
Meanwhile, check out the best music school in Delhi offering music theory classes – the School of Symphony.
1] Provides a Better Understanding of the Fundamentals of Music:
Music theory is an understanding of what music actually is. It is through the concepts of music theory that composers and musicians make music. It may all seem philosophical and theoretical, but the applications of music theory are surprisingly practical.
In simple language, learning the theories of music allows a student to understand why certain notes sound good to their ears, while others don’t. It is this understanding that empowers a student to become a better musician.
2] Facilitates Independent Learning & Playing of Music:
A solid foundation of the theories of music enables a student to compose and improvise music on his/her own. However, if there is no ability to read music, it will be tough to gain the aptitude to learn or play music which has not been heard or recorded as yet. Composition of music without an understanding of its underlying theories is nearly impossible.
If you are looking at a music school in Delhi that offers a well-rounded course, look no further than the School of Symphony.
3] Enhances Critical Reasoning Skills:
Learning any theory which then translates into the practical application has been found to boost reasoning skills. The same holds for the theories of music.
Many professionals have claimed that learning music theory is almost like learning a whole new language. It stimulates the same areas of the brain.
A music theory class is a perfect opportunity for a young mind to pick up critical skills such as reasoning and time management. In a typical theory class, there is a lot of information which needs to be processed, along with class discussions. It allows students to put their thoughts into words, plus learn to interpret complex musical symbols.
Are you looking for a music school in South Delhi? School of Symphony is your answer.
Remember that music theory is the backbone of the whole process of learning music – whether you are taking vocal classes or learning to play an instrument. If you or your child is passionate about music, do not underestimate the importance of learning music theory and taking music theory classes. These lessons will forever come in useful and will give you a crucial advantage in your musical journey!